ChatGPT8/21/23In this project, we learned about ChatGPT. |
Tech Page8/29/23In this project, I learned about digital twins and how to create rollovers. |
Business Card9/1/23In this project, I created a business card. |
Collage9/8/23In this project, I created a collage and learned how to create layers. |
Online Store9/19/23In this project, I created an online store and learned how to add labels. |
Dice10/9/23In this project,I learned created a dice game. |
Online Store Upgrade10/5/23In this project, I upgraded my online store with radio buttons. |
Craps Game10/9/23In this project,I created a casino game. |
Circle Bounce10/17/23In this project, I learned how to create a canvas. |
Basic Space Invaders10/24/23In this project, I created a space invader game. |
Tank11/3/23In this project, I created a tank game. |
Circle Objects11/9/23In this project, I learned about arrays. |
Submarine12/4/23In this project, I created a submarine game. |
Circle Art12/13/23In this project, I created a program that draws a circle pattern. |
Number Arrays12/15/23In this project, I created a program that calculates numbers. |
Checkerboard12/19/23In this project, I created a program that creates a checkerboard. |
Photons1/19/24In this project, I created a program that creates photons. |
Number Array Upgrade3/1/24In this project, I created a program that calculates numbers. |
Hornet Game3/20/24In this project, I created a program that simulates hornets. |
Cat and Mouse5/20/24In my final project, I created a cat and mouse game. |